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Posted (edited)

Hello all,My name is Laban and I'm an beginner leathercrafter from Melbourne Australia.Up until now I've basically been buying and making Tandy leathercraft pattern/kits to build my skills.Recently I've taken the leap ( and found the cash ) to begin making guitar straps, and assorted other products from scratch......far more satisfying than the prefab versions.I am absolutely blow away by the quality of everyone's work displayed on these forums.....it certainly gie me a standard to aim for and plenty of inspiration :)

Kind regards

LabanNote : I do have a very small blog about some of my leathercraft...it needs updating but feel free to take a look


Edited by Laban Toose
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Hello Laban and welcome to LW. Your work is very nice. Finding this place will be your inspiration. Several things happen here. Your skill level improves as your wallet becomes thinner. The amount of experts and craftsmen on here is mind boggling. Again welcome.


  • Ambassador

welcome laban....lots of good info here and very friendly members willing to share their knowledge.

PS...i am just down the road from you!!! Geelong



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Hi Caroline:)Seeing as your a local and clearly an expert leathercrafter judging by your website could you tell me what you think of the Greenhalgh tanner in Hadden (Ballarat). I would prefer to use local products but only if it's good quality and reasonably priced. And I'm actually a Melton lad.....Melbourne is just better known internationally :)

Kind regards


  • Ambassador

laban, i have been to greenhalgh and use their online ordering sometimes. The post out really quickly. I find their lacing a bit thick and haven't used their leather. Mostly i use them for hardware etc. For leather and lacing i like to use lefflers. They have a website but it is like a dogs breakfast! You can join their 'club" and you then get 33% off regular prices. Lefflers is definitely worth a visit...just allow lots of time and expect to spend some Dollars!. Dyes, i usually buy from birdall-leather and sometimes their hardware as well, they often have good specials. You should also check out "Dimension in Leather", its a bi annual week long conference held in brisbane with the next one to be held in 2013 in july. Week long classes for the beginner and the advanced...it will be the BEST time you can have. Teachers come from all over the world!



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