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Hi all,I recently discover the black river templates on eBay and decided to buy the 3" template to try out.When I opened it I saw 7 pieces. 5 pieces went together to make the usual strap body and adjustment strap.The other 2 pieces joined together to make a short piece with identical radius ends. I can see that this part goes at the opposite end to the adjustment strap.My question is how does it attach to the strap body?Does anyone have a finished strap I could see a pic of?..I am a visual learner

Thanks in advance

Kind regardsLaban

Posted (edited)


The strap is attached at the adjustment holes in the back of the strap. I have a video on You Tube that will show it being put together in Part VII. Just search for Chief31794 and my videos will pop up, select the one on Guitar Straps. The whole series uses the Black River Template to make a guitar strap from inception to completion. The direct links are:

Part 1 - http://youtu.be/fdOjBsBGJoE

Part 2 - http://youtu.be/aMiDe912XBI

Part 3 - http://youtu.be/piWmpioRyq4

Part 4 - http://youtu.be/g0GJdkODl_4

Part 5 - http://youtu.be/FTaVhFFNzGo

Part 6 - http://youtu.be/hZfvEKjlWO4

Part 7 - http://youtu.be/TZsP65I3j-U

Additionally, I'll attach a picture of the strap with the back installed


post-6362-064850000 1342785269_thumb.jpg

post-6362-006377900 1342785271_thumb.jpg

Edited by Chief31794
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Hi all,I recently discover the black river templates on eBay and decided to buy the 3" template to try out.When I opened it I saw 7 pieces. 5 pieces went together to make the usual strap body and adjustment strap.The other 2 pieces joined together to make a short piece with identical radius ends. I can see that this part goes at the opposite end to the adjustment strap.My question is how does it attach to the strap body?Does anyone have a finished strap I could see a pic of?..I am a visual learner

Thanks in advance

Kind regardsLaban

Laban, if I understand what you mean the extra part is a template for putting a buckle on for adjusting instead of the adjustment strap. I think that's why they look the same, they really are only one has the buckle and keeper on it and the other the holes and belt tip. I put mine on with Chicago screws. Cheryl

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Posted (edited)

Cheryl & KenThanks so much for your swift response and support.

I have already watched your videos ken and the strap I posted last week is the result of that new knowledge.....thanks:)

The piece I was referring to is in the attached picture 3" guitar strap

In this picture you can see the main strap body doesn't have the usual radius end opposite the adjustment hole end. Instead it has a single oblong adjustment hole where I can see the extra piece would be inserted. What I can't figure out is how this is fastened to the strap. I'm guessing the piece is folded over and the punched holes matched.

And by the way both of your guitar straps fantastic...I wish I could make mine as superb as yours

Kind regards


Edited by Laban Toose

Laban, if I understand what you mean the extra part is a template for putting a buckle on for adjusting instead of the adjustment strap. I think that's why they look the same, they really are only one has the buckle and keeper on it and the other the holes and belt tip. I put mine on with Chicago screws. Cheryl

The 3" strap template doesn't have a buckle set up, it has the adjustment strap, I didn't read Laban's post quite well enough, it also has two radiused ends and a different end (only one slot), I believe these are for custom configurations where you make the strap to size and don't use an adjustment strap. There is no buckle set up in the template set. You could use their regular buckle and belt end tempates to make a buckle if that's what you want on the strap.


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Oh I didn't know that, I've never used a template for mine. Just looked at a video, and started making them, and not very well in the beginning :-) Cheryl

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1342787456[/url]' post='257180']

The 3" strap template doesn't have a buckle set up, it has the adjustment strap, I didn't read Laban's post quite well enough, it also has two radiused ends and a different end (only one slot), I believe these are for custom configurations where you make the strap to size and don't use an adjustment strap. There is no buckle set up in the template set. You could use their regular buckle and belt end tempates to make a buckle if that's what you want on the strap.


Thanks ken,I think I understand what you mean. Therefore I think I will glue and stitch half of the piece to the underside of the main body, thread the remaining half through that hole and then emboss the exposed end to make it a feature.

Once it's done I will post a pic and get your feedback

Thanks to both of you for your help

Kind regards



Oh I didn't know that, I've never used a template for mine. Just looked at a video, and started making them, and not very well in the beginning :-) Cheryl

I did a little more research, this template can be used in more than one configuration, it can be used as I said to put a buckle end on the strap as well, but for the buckle and end you would use it in conjunction with the buckle and belt end templates to make that part of the strap.

They are great tools, very sturdy and as I said can be used in more than one configuration. I have attached a picture of a strap with buckle option that Joyce at Black River Laser sent me.

Hope this helps,


post-6362-084459500 1342788224_thumb.jpg

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I emailed black river laser they confirmed what we were saying.They are fantastic people...I would recommend their products to everyone.


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