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I just found this "humming bird" drinking out of my feeder. Flat landers are known to ask "At what altitude do deer turn into elk?". I guess I could ask "At what altitude do humming birds turn into wood peckers?"



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That is something! I think you need to build the poor thing a bigger platform. And in defense of the flatlanders - I have never wondered "at what altitude do deer become elk?" Because everyone knows that elk are baby moose.

Show more baby pictures - Grammy Yak!


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I think you should just be thrilled that the woodpecker decided to use the existing 'spout' instead of making its own!!

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Posted (edited)

As the head researcher at the Flatlanders Global

Bird Growth Research Institute, I can assure you

we are this (----) close to being able to answer your

question. However if you feel you can not live

another day without knowing , you can mail

a generous amount of American dollars to my

attorneys listed below.They in turn will violate

my trust and send you an answer today.

"Dewwe, Cheatem and How

One Conway Road

Screwemville, Kentucky 06660


Edited by Windy

Elk are baby moose? I haven't heard that one, but I did hear a lady from Chicago say that deer are baby horses that no one owns. Tony Laier thinks marmots are beavers. I'll be glad to stick in more recent pictures of the grand yak!


Here's Daddy Yak begging for yak snacks.


Get a load of this. We went to Mount Evans the other day. That's a 14,000+ foot mountain for those who aren't familiar with it. There's a snowboarder going down the snow field in the picture. He gave it up and scooted over to the side and walked back up! Not an easy climb! Can you see him? He's about a third of the way down on the right hand side. Crazy guy!


I am happy that the giant humming bird kept to the current spouts. I'm also happy the bear hasn't discovered my feeder.

Dewwe, Cheatem and How is a company I have dealt with in the past! I think I'll stick with my own conclusions and let them research the question until no further notice.





  • Contributing Member

Baby is lookin' good! I like his curlie head. Daddy yak has quite the face. :)

Weren't there 2 babies? (Hoping that baby II wasn't a "bad yak"....)

Thanks for showing them off.



Are black bears just grizzlies which have been playing in the fire pit?

Yes, Crystal, there were 2 babies. The second was born sick and was too weak to make it. He was not a "bad" yak, just unfortunate. It was depressing, but big brother is doing just fine. Thanks for asking. I can post new pictures as he grows, if you like.

We found something amuzing in the local paper the other day. Under Sherrif's Calls, there was a heading of "Yakity Yak". Seems my bull threatened a neighbor through the fence. They called Animal Control to place a complaint, saying they didn't think the fence was sufficient to keep the bull in. Animal Control came to their house and checked out the fence, which I had recently fixed up with 48" field fencing. They said the fence is good enough, and left it at that. They didn't even come to talk to us about it. Perhaps I should put off training the yaks to jump!

Yours truly,


  • Contributing Member
Are black bears just grizzlies which have been playing in the fire pit?

Yes, Crystal, there were 2 babies. The second was born sick and was too weak to make it. He was not a "bad" yak, just unfortunate. It was depressing, but big brother is doing just fine. Thanks for asking. I can post new pictures as he grows, if you like.

We found something amuzing in the local paper the other day. Under Sherrif's Calls, there was a heading of "Yakity Yak". Seems my bull threatened a neighbor through the fence. They called Animal Control to place a complaint, saying they didn't think the fence was sufficient to keep the bull in. Animal Control came to their house and checked out the fence, which I had recently fixed up with 48" field fencing. They said the fence is good enough, and left it at that. They didn't even come to talk to us about it. Perhaps I should put off training the yaks to jump!

Yours truly,


So sorry to hear about baby #2. *talking with foot in mouth* I thought maybe he was camera shy or mommy was overly protective. Baby #1 looks great and maybe next year he will have another little sibling. I am one of those people who enjoys looking at other people's baby pics - so keep 'em coming. I only have normal critters - 1 dog, 5 cats and 5 horses - the yaks are interesting.

It is odd that you weren't contacted about the fence. A little heads up on the report may have been nice.

Maybe that is a possible job for the herd - "Attack Yak Perimeter Protection Services" No one gets in - No one gets out. :police:



Maybe you could make a nice leather sign to hang on your fence saying "Beware of Yaks".


I definitely need a sign like that one on the fence, Crystal! I wonder if the yaks would take offense to the signs being leather? One of the "No Trespassing" signs we have up now was shot by a BB gun a few years ago. We often find golf balls in one of the pastures, and I found a deer skeleton and a putter in the same place this spring. I wonder if the neighbors have issues with the cute little deer, too.

I figure we weren't contacted about the fence because it is plenty good. The animal control people were probably laughing when they left the neighbor's house. There's no way a yak is getting through that!

One day the man at the feed store said to me, "I hate yaks!" Then he asked where mine are, and he said "I hate your yaks!" He went on to explain how he and his wife were riding past the yak pasture when the yaks came running over to say hi. That scared the horses half to death, and he went on to explain the 360's and the bolting and the hanging off the side of the saddle. He wasn't mad, just amuzing. Maybe I should put up a sign to warn horseback riders, too!

Time to go make signs!


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