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Flesh-Side Finishes - Pics?

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Hi guys,

I'm trying to get a grasp on the different flesh side finishes there are but unfortunately, Wicket & Craig doesn't supply flesh-side finish samples (Hermann Oak doesn't seem to have any info). I've done some google searching and can't seem to come up with any good pictures of the different finishes out there so I'm wondering if any of you have pictures and/or experiences you could share.

W&C offers stirrup, pasted, and buffed flesh. From what I've gathered, buffed flesh is good if you want a slightly softer, fuzzier finish than the normal post-split flesh-side, stirrup flesh is lacquered (really curious to know what this is like) and pasted flesh is sort of similar to if you were to apply gum trag and rub it in to the flesh-side....

Let me know your thoughts or even better lets see some pics!

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Anyone have an answer for this? I also would be interested in your thoughts.

Waiting on my first side of W&C English Bridal and think it is pasted. I was told this would be a good option for hybrid style holster backs.

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