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What's the difference between the "saddlemaker's groover" and the regular groover? I'm more referring to the less expensive models offered, probably by Tandy and the like. ($15.00 - $25.00).

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The saddlemakers groover at least used to adjust wider than the other one.

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I have many Tandy groovers I have acquired over the years. The old ones ('90s vintage) were manufactured quite accurately and consisted primarily of an Allen wrench type cutter with a hole in it that went through a shaft attached to a handle. I have them set up for different widths to make two and three line edge decorations. There is now a new style that has a cutting tip in the end of the handle shaft and a edge guide. The new Tandy stuff has really abysmal manufacturing and tooling. The holes they drill to make the cutting edge are not placed correctly, and they seem to be placed randomly. I have noticed that the same tool from GoodsJapan is made correctly and is heads above the Tandy unit. My opinion.

That being said, the only thing I use the old Tandy tools for is decoration. For any other grooving, I use the Douglas Versa Groover from Sheridan Leather Outfitters, and for free hand grooving I have three (different sizes) excellent freehand groovers (they work great with a ruler or guide too) from Ron's Tools.


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