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I recently just de haired and fleshed the hide I'm in the neutralizing in vinegar phase. There was a thread not long again in which they said to leave it in for 24 hrs it's been almost 36 hrs in the neutralizing solution. Is this going to be a problem? I believe this was KAWs post if I'm wrong please forgive however any help in whether the hide is ruined or I'm good too go Would be great also

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Well I guess I left the hide in there too long it's now got a strong stench to it. Is this the sign f a ruined hide or can it be salvaged I read on old threads it's pretty much done but before I trash it can it be saved?

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Try throwing in a tub of cool fresh water. Swish it around, change the water and do it again. Then throw it over a fence and hose it off. I've always just pulled them out of the neutralizing solution and hosed off. This is cow rawhide. Can't imagine much difference for horse. Let me know how it works. Brad

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Thanks brad for the response Im a new father so I wasn't able to pull it out of neutralizing solution after the 24 hr period so it was more like 3 days, well like I said earlier it was pretty foul, I would have tried to save what was left of the flank if I could but as I washe it off and started to set it up to stretch the hide pretty much disenigrated it was good towards the middle but left me with little to nothing. I guess the rot had set in pretty good? I'm not sure that's a first for me but anyways better luck next time thanks for the response though

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If it was a fresh hide I can see why you lost it to rot. Next time stretch it first and let it dry. Then resoak with your dehairing material, neutralize, fresh water and go to making strings. If you don't have time to make strings right away just let dry and keep in the shade until you can cut string. Just throw in a water trough and start cutting. Works for me. Brad

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Sounds good, working that rascal on a stretching frame fresh off the hoof I'm assuming that's after or while defleshing? Does the amount of flesh left on play a big part in how fast that rot could have set in? Or just cause that's the nature of the beast that's what happens to dead skin it rots no matter how much flesh is on it. The person I got it from was in a rush to get the hide off so a lot of meat was left on. So after I get it on stretching frame I'll de flesh at that point correct

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Yes, put it on your stretching frame in the shade and can get some air. Then start peeling the extra flesh off as it is drying. Unless it is super humid it shouldn't be a problem with rot. I've never built a frame. I just nail it to an old wood shed wall with the flesh out and peel and scrape the flesh side. Then when its dry I cut a circle inside the nails and either scrape the hair or lime and slip the hair. Brad

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