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Singer 241-13

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A friend of mine gave me this machine and table. I was able to find a manual and such and have cleaned it up and tried it out. Holy cow this sucker is FAST!!!!!!!!! I am making a wood block to place under the pedal so I can keep the machine from running away! LOL. It takes very little movement on the pedal to get this puppy in full til boggie mode, so I need to slow it down to my skill level, which is slightly faster than hand stitching.

I plan to use it for light work mostly. Nothing more than say gunbelts and holsters. Right now I am making up a pair of Vaquero pants like Charlie Prince had in the remake of 3:10 to Yuma.

I can go up to a size 21 leather needle so if working with deerskin for these pants, what would you all suggest for needle and thread size as well as stich count per inch?

Thanks all!!


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The Singer 241-13 is not meant for sewing leather at all. It is a very high speed garment machine, targeted at garment factories. It has an oil pump that requires a high rpm to distribute the oil to all moving parts.

That said, you can only hope to use #92 thread in that machine. It can be slowed down by changing to a servo motor. Toledo Industrial Sewing Machines (866-362-7397) sells the Toledo Sew Slow, which is a rebranded SewPro 500 GR. I have two of these motors and love them for the wide range of pedal control.

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