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Just wanted to put pics up of my buttstock shell holder. I wet formed and stiched the shell loops. Didnt do anything to the edge. The tooling is of a bear skull. let me know what you think.



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In what order do you do the shell loops?

Stitch first, then wet, push in shells and let dry?

Actually this was my first one. Since I had no idea what the spacing was going to be I did it like this. 1. wet the leather. 2 stitched the first line. 3. formed around the bullet then stiched the line on the other side. I made reference lines so it stayed straight. Probably wasn't the best way but it worked. Im doing another one for a friend and I used this one as a template. Since he uses the same calibre rifle. Im also going to use rivets. And do a liner. Hopefully it works out.

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