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Just wanted to thank all the posters in this area. YOU are costing me a fortune. LOL

I have never done basketweave before, so I just placed an order for some stamps and while I was at it, I ordered a few more things I was in need of. Ended up with a $450 order. And then a while back Rawhide posted a notebook cover that had 2 color double stitch lace, so I am going to make a CD case with basketweave on the back and am going to try the 2 color lace.

Thanks a lot folks.

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Yes, yes, yes. I've had to explain to my CFO (wife) that I really truly absolutely NEED this stuff!

I've gotten to the point where I get my sister to go to the store for me and bring me the stuff at work and then I can sneak it home and somehow the CFO still knows! :lol::lol:

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Around my house it is SWMBO'd. I cant complain though, she is my biggest critic. Tells me what color lace needs to go on after I get it stained and such. I also do woodworking and have a very small shop and she likes what I make. I don't try to hide my purchases from her, just hurry and get a project done and then it is forgotten about. Last winter I got started turning predator calls on my lathe and sold several of them. I think in all my years of any kind of work, they were the first projects I had actually sold.

I have been trying to think of a way to do a leather carving of a coyote on a piece and then attach it to one of my calls. May have to do a call design change to be able to attach the leather.

I guess the leather and wood working have kept me at home and not spending money on other things, whiskey, women & such and I am having a blast doing it.

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The last criticism I ever got about the time I spend on leather I answered with "You know what, Honey, you're right. I haven't seen any of my friends down at [the bar] in a while. I'm gonna run down there for an hour or so ."

Since then....not a word. :spoton:

Funniest thing about it- somehow I forgot that I put the security chain on the door before I left.

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Well the order came in friday afternoon. I opened up the CD case kit and wet the leather and put in the frig. Saturday afternoon I got it out and got to work on it. My basketweave didn't turn out to bad, not great, but not bad at all for the first time. Anyway got it all tooled on Sunday and set it back to dry, put the stain on early yesterday morning and then a coat of finish at noon and again in the middle of afternoon. As soon as I got home last night I started punching the lacing holes and then got about a 1/4 of the lacing done. Everyone that has seen it so far is amazed at the 2 color lacing. I wish I would have got a different punch, as the ones I had are about 5 1/2/inch, which is a little to far apart for a good looking lace.

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Let's see it, Let's see it...I'm anxious to take a look. I have been practicing with the basketweave a bit, but have not done a project yet!


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Maybe I can get it finished up tonight and will get some pics and post tomorrow.

Do like I did and just jump right in with no practice on the basketweave. I had ordered the Tips & Techs booklet and it showed how to lay it out to get started, but didn't show much detail. I just went for it.

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This hobby/business really does drain the money pool, I have to also be very creative sometimes. I think your CFO and Sis are in cahoots. :rofl: make them both something real nice and it will divert their attention.......for about 20 seconds :rofl:

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