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Bicycle Tool Bag?

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I'm looking at making a Bag or Pouch for Bicycle Tools and smaller Accessories....preferably one that can be attached to the Bike

Would anyone have a Pattern for something like this?

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Are you planning on modeling it after the paniers available for bikes commercially?

I don't have any, but thought it might help in others being able narrow down the type of bag you are aiming for.

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Have you looked at the motorcycle tool bag patterns around? Those guys and gals make bags like that all the time, handlebar bags and the like. One of those should give you an idea or might work as is.

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A few months late getting on this thread, but as a cyclist in my spare time I can sympathize with this want. I might be able to help you with finding some direction (not sure if I'll be much help on finding the pattern as I'm new to leatherwork myself) but I have a question first. What style of bag are you wanting to make here?

The classic rollup style (http://lemolobags.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/huf-tool-wrap.jpg)

the pouch style which resembles a rollup bag (http://www.crowcycleco.com/media/catalog/product/cache/2/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/8/0/800-004_4.jpg)

Or the under saddle "wedge" (http://i00.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/632142196/Free-shiping-Cycling-font-b-Bicycle-b-font-Bike-Saddle-Outdoor-Pouch-Wedge-font-b-Pack.jpg)


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KI4WLG do you have a pattern for that rollup style bag by chance?

Unfortunately not,

I never did get into leatherwork a I had hoped to (or at least not yet). I just happened to see the email on your reply in my forums inbox folder. Sorry I can't be of any help with a pattern.

I will say that if I were going to make one out of cloth (which I have done for tools before) I lay out my tools on a large piece of cardboard and sketch out the base layer, then the top layers. I've used cardboard patterns like that a few times with cloth work projects and they work fairly well. Don't see any reason it won't work with leather too.

Good Luck!

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