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Gun Belt Patterns?

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I'm kind of new to this site and have been overwhelmed by all the information.I am looking for gun belt patterns,something beside the Tandy stuff.Any suggestions?


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The sheer volume of information presented here can be overwhelming. The best thing I can suggest is to start in sections that might interest you and just read through the threads. Holsters are not something I am familiar with, but using the search feature for the forum and looking though the previous posted threads can give you a great deal of information.

As far as making getting patterns, there are several books available for doing exactly that. One of the big things to overcome is the gun in which you are going to be patterning the holster for. I have seen threads that explain how to do it without one of the dummy blue guns, but it looks as thought the blue gun method is the easiest way.

It comes down to this. A custom holster is exactly that, and it would be very difficult to just use a generic pattern and have it work or let alone work well. You'd be hard pressed to find another person in here who's going to just hand over a pattern, however you will find plenty of guys in here willing to help guide you in your efforts to making your own.

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try these guys hope this helps


+1. I have his western belt pattern pack and western holster pattern pack. I would highly recommend his patterns. Comes with great instructions.He doesn't go into detail as far as how to edge, burnish, dye and finish though. I would say you need to have some experience in leather working to understand the process.

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