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Morning folks,

I thought I’d share this…

I’m certainly one for saying my piece when something has gone wrong or if a service is not up to standard, I’m sure we can all moan! But today… I’d like to tell you about a chap who has impressed me.

I came across a website recently http://artisans.co.uk/ Nick the owner is one of the nicest guys, he is extremely helpful and quite talented. He has a good understanding of the requirements of Leather workers

I, for many years have been a believer in quality steel engraved makers stamps. But now pushing the £300 plus for some stamps, this has become prohibitive for many people.

Nick makes stamps in acrylic which are a fraction of the price of steel and are very high quality.

This has opened the door for more crafters to now mark their work professionals and for professionals to have a number of stamps or offer a bespoke stamp to the customer.

I have now been using Nicks stamps for about 6 months and can’t break them, I’ve tried… they are still as sharp as the day he sent them to me.

Given that a 1inch round mallet stamp will cost you only £65 with any design you can think of, (his biscuit stamps are even cheaper) I think you’ll be hard pushed to find a better deal.

Here are few pics of my stamps from Nick, I think you’ll agree they look good.

Drop Nick a line, he’s extremely approachable and sound him out. Tell him Nigel sent you from Armitage Leather, you won’t be disappointed.








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