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J Hayes

Needles For Singer 110W124

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I have a Singer 110w124 which takes a 16x4 needle, now this machine came with a few in size 14, and one in 16&18 . Obviously I will need more and larger needles. I've been told the system 34 will work but I may need to check the timing? I have found a few 16x4 online but am unsure if the point matters or not. Id like to sew with 92 or 138 lighter wieght bag type stuff, leather mainly.

What are the differences between the 16×4 and the 34 system?

Thank you


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The 110w124 normally came fitted with gears for 16, 18, and 20 stitches per inch. There were a few gearsets available for 12, 14, and 15 stitches per inch, but I have yet to encounter them. There were gearsets made for over 33 spi, but they would have limited use in the leather world. The needle range provided for these machines was 8-18. Anything bigger would tend to make the hole to hole distance very small and weaken the leather. I have seen these machines used with 33 and 45 thread to decorate boottops and close uppers with great success, but haven't seen any running 92 or 138. The rotary hook pretty much limits thread size and the bobbin ain't all that big either. A 31-15 or higher would be a little more versatile, but the medium duty walking foot and needle feed machines are a lot better.


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I have 12 spi gear and have run some 92 with it. It was a cheap machine to at least get my feet wet anyway. I kinda enjoy hand stitching more anyway, at least on holsters.


Pic is of 2 layers of veg horse with 92 thread and I think I had the 16 needle in it.


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Forgot to add, good point on the large needle decreasing the hole to hole distance, thank you!


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