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Hi! :)

I've had a look for this but couldn't find it anywhere so hopefully I'm not doubling up. If I am, please direct me to the previous one.

I have been doing leatherwork for some time and am ok with staining ... until it comes to wanting different shades. Sometimes I can do it without any problems and other times it's a disaster. But I've come to the point where I don't want any more disasters and want to be able to get a piece done right the first time! :) What I have been told is to apply the clear leather sealer over the parts that I don't want stained, wait for that to dry and then apply the stainer over the whole lot. Apparently the stain won't stick to the part that's been sealed and I can wipe that off but it's not working for me. All that happens is that I end up with a mess! :( How long is it supposed to take for the sealer to dry and how do I wipe the stain off it without going onto the parts that I want the stain to stay on???

I'm not using paint, only stain.

Any suggestions/advice would be GREATLY appreciated!

Thanks in anticipation!

The Happy Viking :)

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What are you using as a sealer? Not everything works. You should wait at least 24 hours. I use Resolene 50/50 with water. 2 coats on the parts I do not want to color. Then I use Fieblings Antique to color the area I want darkened. If ever there is a little color left on an area you stained you can use an alcohol wipe to remove the leftover color on the resolene. It works really well that way.

Not all finishes can be used as a resist and not all dyes or stains can be used over a resist. I have been told that Clear Lac is also a good resist but I do not have any to try. The Fieblings Resolene works great for me as a resist.


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Hi Michael

Thanks for that quick reply!

The sealer I'm using is just called "Leather Sealer". I get it from the same place that I purchase my leather from. I did not know that I had to wait at least 24 hours for it to dry! Maybe that's my problem. I have been putting two coats on though. I have just sealed a few things so I will leave them all for at least that long now and see how it goes. I also didn't know about the alcohol wipes so thanks for that also!

Kind regards

Elizabeth - The Happy Viking :)

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