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What Is The Difference Between A Singer 47W66 And 153K103

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I am looking at 2 different Singers and can't seem to find the difference between the 47W66 and 153K103 on the internet. does anyone have experience or knowledge with them? I am looking for a cylinder arm, medium - to heavy material sewing machine, and have zeroed in on these 2 as not being too expensive. Thank you.

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From my brief perusal of the manuals, it appears that they're both light to medium weight machines, if you were handy enough could make something aftermarket to exploit Singer's propensity to have all the holes drilled in the body regardless of model variant - they both could come with edge trimmers and guides. The 153 says it'll do 2900 spm, vs 2500 spm..

Having not owned one myself, I can agree that they shouldn't cost you nearly as much as the snazzy machines that do everything but walk your dog. What's your opinion of "heavy" material, is what it really comes down to.

http://parts.singerco.com/IPinstManuals/153K101_K102_K103_154K101.pdf and http://parts.singerco.com/IPinstManuals/46W61_W62_%2047W61_W67.pdf should help a little bit more, hopefully.

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The 153 series has needle feed, whereas the 47 does not. The 153w101 is a little more heavy duty than the 153w103. That being said, they are medium duty machines used primarily in heavy garment manufacture and in the shoe industry (both long moved offshore). The 153 is quite similar to the famed 111 except for, of course, the cylinder arm. Singer 111 feet (and there are many many different ones for myriad applications) fit this machine.


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