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Chef niloc

Feather Inlay?

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I did a search and didn't find anything on the subject. I was thinking about doing a feather in inlay on a sheath and just wanted some advice, pointers or possible problems I could run into from anyone that may have done/ or tryed this before. Note: I'm not talking about attaching or handinf them to the outside, but a actual inlay, kind of like what we do with snakeskin.

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Feathers are so delicate that if any stain or finish got on them they might deteriorate, shrink or become distorted. I wonder if they could last. Inlaying them would be an interesting challenge. I would think you'd want to see the actual feather show through with the contours, color and all it's glory. Perhaps if they could be preserved and/or hardened?

I haven't seen it yet, however, I've only been dabbling in basic projects for a few short of years now. This may be a new area of exploration. Go for it. Why not? Could start a new fashion and might even go viral, ya never know! Let us know what you discover. I'm sure there are plenty of us willing to help you explore potential ways to do this. I'd be interested to hear of your trials and errors.

Good luck,


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