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Having Trouble With A Multiple-String Button/noseband Button

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I am working on a pair of rawhide 8 plait reins. I am working on the romal and am having a problem with one of the buttons. I am doing a short version of the multiple string button that I learned from Neubert's video. I start with 6 strings and braid them down. So far so good. The problem is that it looks great on one side but when I turn it over I have a lot of spaces. In the case of this short button I braid all the way down to where I want to turn the ends back and it only covers half of the other side. I am considering a different button in this instance since the foundation is pretty big where I have spliced the braid back around where the romal swivels.

I ran into this before on the reins but got around it by going from 3 strings to 4.

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Not totally sure what you got there without seeing pics. Sounds like you should make all the spaces even with your fid all the way around, do your turnbacks, Then your running pairs and splitting. If there are still spaces I guess you need to adjust up in string size/width.

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Sounds like more or wider strings are necessary.

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Thanks, I'll try wider strings. In case my description was not clear, I would braid down and when I got to the bottom where I would turn back the ends the backside of the button looked like a couple of criss crosses, not the nice pattern on the front side.

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Sounds like more or wider strings are necessary.


My experience is that if I don't have enough strings or wide enough ones, the front will always look much better than the back. I always have to turn it over and look at the back to know for sure if I'm covering everything right

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Also, instead of braiding and pulling down, try pulling sideways and making your Vees tighter. Once you start youve got to go back and fill so if youve got bigger gaps in the back then you have to even up or use another string. You just want a gap about 1 string wide,then make doubles then split them. It's hard to describe but easy to see for me. I hope this helps. Brad

  • 2 weeks later...
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Even your squares up,you may have to add more strings or go ahead and make it over and under three. If your knots big at the top come on down until you think it will fill in and if you need to fill in the large end go back up and pair and come down and split pairs and go on down and finish the knot in ,Clint Haverty

Even your squares up,you may have to add more strings or go ahead and make it over and under three. If your knots big at the top come on down until you think it will fill in and if you need to fill in the large end go back up and pair and come down and split pairs and go on down and finish the knot in ,Clint Haverty

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