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I am building my first IWB CCW and have a question on how to tackle different parts of the build. I am attaching a picture I pulled off of google as a reference. post-6707-0-90909700-1361674238_thumb.jp

I was wondering how things go together where the reinforcement leather wraps around the top part of the holster. I know it is a separate piece of leather but how is the leather underneath put together and when do you sew the reinforcement leather onto the holster? I am sure if I could see some pictures of the holster from a few different angles I could kind of figure it out with a little explanation.

I dont know if that made any sense but mostly I was wondering what your pattern for a holster like this looks like?


How is everything put together underneath and around that reinforcement piece.

Any tips and pictures that would shed some light would be appreciated.

Thanks Scott

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You are most welcome. I'd forgotten about that tutorial until electrathon mentioned it.

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As an aside, I can never understand why builders always want to pose their IWB's with the belt loops parallel to the slide of the gun, knowing full well that is not the way that they will be worn.

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Because that way, the loop on the left doesn't obscure the stitching around the trigger guard <g>


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