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Neatsfoot Alternative ?

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Hi gang

i have heard of an alternative to neatsfoot oil called Isopropy myristate, haven't tried it but allegedly it won't leave the greasy feel, so can't honestly say it works well or not, but has come from a good source.

has anyone tried this.......


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Google-fu says that it's primarily an additive that acts as a carrier for other things......and at roughly $1200.00 / gallon (listed at $1169 for 4 liters). I don't think i'll be trying it....ever.

A commonly used alternative to NF is extra virgin olive oil; then theres Lexol, and I also really like Aussie leather conditioner.

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Google-fu says that it's primarily an additive that acts as a carrier for other things......and at roughly $1200.00 / gallon (listed at $1169 for 4 liters). I don't think i'll be trying it....ever.

A commonly used alternative to NF is extra virgin olive oil; then theres Lexol, and I also really like Aussie leather conditioner.

Am I looking at the wrong thing?


Even delivered (UK), this 1 litre container only costs around $30.

Interesting, but some sources seem to think it's a bit nasty?

Edited by humperdingle

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ouch! didnt look that far. unless i was looking at something else, i was looking at this for one http://mistralni.co.uk/products/ipm-isopropyl-myristate cant find others now, a couple a little cheaper. furniture repair industry is using in on leather suites.

I'm new to this, and heard some of these can cause greasiness, but don't know as i haven't tried...?

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ah yes, humperdingle found this, side effects, http://www.ehow.co.u...myristate.html. http://www.ehow.co.uk/about_5563462_side-effects-isopropyl-myristate.html

Edited by needles

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I'm new to this, and heard some of these can cause greasiness, but don't know as i haven't tried...?

Have you used Neatsfoot oil?? It may be greasy on my hands for a bit, but I've never had it leave my work feeling greasy. EVOO is a good alternative in a pinch, but a lot of people have experienced increased mold with it, so use sparingly.

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Have you used Neatsfoot oil?? It may be greasy on my hands for a bit, but I've never had it leave my work feeling greasy. EVOO is a good alternative in a pinch, but a lot of people have experienced increased mold with it, so use sparingly.

errrm, no haven't tried.....as said new to carving etc, and as i guess most do, I've been reading everything i can find on the subject. and read somewhere nf can cause some probs? from greasy (maybe using too much? don't know to going off and smelling? again don't know) then i read about some repair guys using the above and thought, interesting, wonder if any else here has tried....

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Ok. I knew you were new to carving, but wasn't sure if you had tried it at all yet.

The main problem you'll find is that it may darken your leather more than you anticipated. That's one of the reasons I do only 1 or 2 light coats on top and then any additional oiling is applied from the flesh side. I would just get a small bottle and try it out. Also, the "greasy" feeling may be that people aren't letting it dry. Just a thought.

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I just got a pint of Sheps Neatslene Light from Weaver and tried it on geometric and liked it so now plan to give it a full fledged trial

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thanks cyberthrasher, and everyone else who added, yep think your right so many using it can't be wrong, so will get a small bottle and try it out


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