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Just thought I would share a few pictures of an organizer / toolbox that I just picked up. I'm still trying to organize my work area and I think this will hold all my rivets, snaps, eyelets and anything else that doesn't have a spot yet. My local Tandy store has a fishing tackle box that they have to support with a block of wood when they open it or it tips over and spills the contents

I like that I can remove the separate bins as I need them and the best feature is the "built in support" for the top shelf when you open it (2nd picture).

I think it is a reasonable price at $29.99 ( in Canada)

I'll post some pictures once I get some stuff in it.

Have a great day.




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That looks very handy. I bought something similar, with about 16 separate snap-shut compartments, which can be removed from the case and clipped on to a belt (meant to be for screws and nails)

I'm finding that i'm quickly running out of compartments, though!

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Could you take a picture of the label, so I could see the manufacture and model?

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Here's the picture for you. I found it at Home Depot, it's made by Husky. The Store model number is 17185073 and the Internet number is 202021301

FYI, there are 2 types of these. One doesn't have the bins in the bottom, that's why I've included the model number.

Any other questions just let me know



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Well, I have put all of my rivets, eyelets, snaps and a few other items into the toolkit. Here are a few pictures to show how much room there is. The bins are all removable so you can re-arrange them if need be..post-33081-0-16835600-1362936789_thumb.jpost-33081-0-24905500-1362937036_thumb.j

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I had a big post about how great that looks mounted up on the wall.....until I figured out the first pic is sideways.

Hmmm on the wall would take up less bench space......

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