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Does anybody know of a way to limit the scratches on a collar from the dog getting itchy?

I had to make up a quick collar for my dog the other day and it's already covered in scratch marks. Not gouges or anything, but I doubt they'd rub out. I admit, since it was quick, I didn't spend a lot of time putting a wax conditioner on or anything. It's finished off with a few coats of Resolene and that's it.

I don't really care about this collar since it's a temporary fix for my own dog, but it's something I'd like to address for any future orders that come in. I know if I purchased a custom collar and it got that scratched up that quick I'd be pretty upset.

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I would start by removing the dogs nails. They do it with cats so it should work with dogs too.

Ok that's probably not the best idea. How did you dye it? The only items I've ever had scratch easily were things I've airbrushed. You may try dip dying or just really saturating it with a brush and give it another go.

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I think it's pretty much inevitable. Dogs are going to scratch, and their nails are tougher than leather.

I've made a few with latigo. The first one I just gave some neatsfoot oil, the second I oiled and then gave a couple coats of resolene. They both got scuffed up after the first day, although the one with resolene is holding up better.

I've come to realize that dog collars are not an ideal canvas for artwork :) I've also come to realize that putting spikes on a collar is probably pretty inhumane, considering the damage they could do to a dogs foot while scratching, but that's a little off topic.

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I would start by removing the dogs nails. They do it with cats so it should work with dogs too.

Ok that's probably not the best idea. How did you dye it? The only items I've ever had scratch easily were things I've airbrushed. You may try dip dying or just really saturating it with a brush and give it another go.

I wiped it on pretty heavy. The scratches aren't really going through the dye, but they're there and obvious. It's kind of like if you scratch your arm or something - doesn't really scratch through anything but you can see the lines there. I tried getting pictures of it, but he won't sit still and he starts snarling at me if I try to take it off - guess that means he likes it :).

I think Cam's probably right that it's just inevitable. But you'd think that with so many people making custom collars, there would be some solution for it. He is only scratching the one side, so maybe I'll condition it with some Pitch Blend and flip it around to see if that helps ease it.

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Allan I have a pretty itchy dog and I made her a collar and put lizard on the top and it's been months with no scratch marks. I didn't do it for that reason, just liked the look. Maybe an exotic sewn on top will prevent it in the future. Cheryl

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An exotic definitely wouldn't scratch as easy. I wonder if you left off the finish and just used a wax based sealer if that would help some, kinda like the way harness leather comes, it could be the acrylic finish scratching. Or superglue felt to his nails.

I just had a good idea when Cheryl brought up lizard skin. You could make hair on collars made of dog skin for an invisible collar.

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An exotic definitely wouldn't scratch as easy. I wonder if you left off the finish and just used a wax based sealer if that would help some, kinda like the way harness leather comes, it could be the acrylic finish scratching. Or superglue felt to his nails.

I just had a good idea when Cheryl brought up lizard skin. You could make hair on collars made of dog skin for an invisible collar.

I get the feeling you don't like dogs much :rofl:

It's funny though.

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No I love dogs. What would be a better way to preserve your old dogs memory by making him into something that would be around for ever.

I've watched a TV show where people had their pets freeze dried or stuffed so they'd be around for ever. I wouldn't doubt that you could get some serious cash for turning pets (whove died from natural causes)into purses or anything really. I'm not exactly serious about this and its not something I'd want to do but we all work with dead animals all the time so how different could it be? They'll just rot away otherwise. I always joked with my ex saying I would make something out of Hooch when he died. He outlived out relationship though.

I recall being on a site that claimed to make things from human skin as well, I don't remember the site or the details though. It wasn't a US based company though.

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It's funny, but I think you found something that I could actually find disturbing. I love my dog, but I don't think I could walk around with his fur on me. And I'm always the first one to describe what we do as "modifying dead animals and bringing them back to life" :rofl:

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I would agree, it is disturbing, I can't argue that. I find freeze drying pets equally as disturbing though and people are making some serious coin doing that. If someone already isn't doing it I bet someone eventually will be. I can't honestly say how I truly feel about it at the moment. Considering the alternatives which is rotting away in a hole or maybe cremation, being made into something nice seems pretty appealing.

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Hmmmmmm :)

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