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I wasn't sure where to put this post - showoff, critique or here - but I thought I'd reach more braiders in here! This is my third braided item, first was a bracelet for mom and then a lanyard with silver for me. Do all beginner braiders make gifts for absolutely anyone and everyone?? lol

Here it is, please critique and be honest, I have thick skin and want to learn!




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Hi! Great leash and nice fence too)))

Photos are to small to critique leash.

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Hmmm, lets try again. First time for posting pics as well!

Here's a close up of the pineapple knots, they have the exact same base buildup and beveled lace. What I found is that it IS entirely possible to over tighten a button - especially with cheap Tandy kangaroo lace. The body was lace from SLC. The larger button was only somewhat tightened before the interweave.


Next is the body, no gapping if I fold it tight so I assume it is tight enough? Can it be too tight? I assume if its not stretching out of shape it's ok. The SLC lace is much higher quality and I don't have the stretching problems as with the knot.


My poor brain has so many questions! Thanks...

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For first time your work is just great.

I can see some little mistakes but they will be gone when you become more experienced braider.

About lace.

If the lace wasn't prepared for braiding good enough it may stretch pretty good. And that stretching problem is a really problem)) because when lace is stretched up, it became narrower, so it covers lesser area.

Button on the left is over tighten and lace became narrower (but maybe it is just low quality of the lace). Button on the right just perfect :)

Buttons should be thighten firmly.

Looks like body is 6 strand round braid.

It's not a whip it's just a leash so you can pull strings not so tight, just tight enough to hold the core and prevent sliding of the braid.

If in braiding process appears little gaps, and you can't modify your braid (for example from 4 strand to 6 strand, so the strands will cover more arrea and those gaps would be gone), you can hold your starting point and finishin point (or point where you are) of the braid with a thread, and then grab the core and the brain in point where you braiding, and shift the braid towards starting point of the braid relative to the core.

Sorry for my english, hope you would get what I tried to explain.

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Thanks so much for your input! It is a 6 strand around paracord. I think those buttons are a great advertisement for why you need quality lace... :-)

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Your work is not too bad for starting out. I wish mine had been as good. But you asked for critique and I will supply you with one on your Pineapple knots. Attached you will find a snap shot with a line to help explain what I mean.

The pineapple is one of the more difficult ones to get staight and consistent. A mastery of this knot only takes practice and more practice. What I mean by straight is that the V's are not lined up straight. To accomplish this you will have to make sure that the base knot which is the casa knot or known as the turks head, should be straight before you do your pineapple interweave. This will give the interweave a straight pattern to follow naturally. In the attached photo you will notice that the last two on the upper portion of the photo are not quite straight.


I hope that this will help a bit. Otherwise, the rest of the skill comes with practicing and more practice. Just be patient with yourself and the knots and braids. The rest comes along with the learning.


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Thanks Brian! I have been more cognizant of the alignments. I've been spending more time with the foundation knots - both alignment and snugness. Maybe that isn't the way to do it but seems to work for me. Fairly snug foundation, then let the interweave create the tight button. Trying to tighten after interweaves just seems to cause me problems!

Thanks again! Traci

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That looks incredible, especially for your first braiding project!

I've also been wanting to try braiding for a while... what resources did you use to learn?

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Well, I can't recommend Hought's books enough. They are a bit spendy, but well worth the money. I have Grant's book as well but have only browsed thru it. Then, with book in lap, braid knots around a dowel, or your finger! I used shoestrings myself - whatever works!

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I do recomend " Introduction to Turks Heads " by Tom Hall. I still go back to his book for reference after all these years of braiding. Indespensible book and very well written and illustrated.


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Thanks Brian, never heard of that one.

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