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Chris Pass

Shell Cordovan Bleeding/staining Stitching

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Purchased a few chips from Horween a while ago and am working with shell cordovan for the first time today. Noticed a big issue today while burnishing some edges. I'm burnishing with canvas heavily saturated with saddle soap and noticed my stitching was getting stained with the cordovan color (white thread). Took a dry cloth and rubbed the leather and found that it was bleeding on the cloth with very little rubbing. Am I missing something? Is there something I should have done to prepare the cordovan before working with it?

Any thoughts on salvaging this without restitching?



Edited by Chris Pass

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Purchased a few chips from Horween a while ago and am working with shell cordovan for the first time today. Noticed a big issue today while burnishing some edges. I'm burnishing with canvas heavily saturated with saddle soap and noticed my stitching was getting stained with the cordovan color (white thread). Took a dry cloth and rubbed the leather and found that it was bleeding on the cloth with very little rubbing. Am I missing something? Is there something I should have done to prepare the cordovan before working with it?

Any thoughts on salvaging this without restitching?


Chris, i'm certainly no expert, and others with more knowledge can chime in, but in the future, I would lay the project down flat so only the edge is overhanging, on say, a piece of board, cover the stitch line with a ruler, and then burnish....this way there is no way to saturate the stitch line...

On a side note, you don't need that much saddle soap to slick the edges...i just get a piece of paper towel fold it up into a square, and spritz the soap onto that, maybe two full pulls of the trigger...then apply to the edges with that...

as for salvaging the current project, I have no idea...but there is bound to be somebody here who can help :) good luck!!!

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I have had this happen with cordovan from them as well. I just got some more cordovan in, so I am going to try using Wyosheen to seal it before stitching the next wallet. Bee Natural did seem to help with the bleeding, but I am not sure what the long term durability will be for the wallet, if it will keep the wallet from bleeding if someone sweats on it.

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