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Hi all-

I have a cousin getting married and thought a leather photo album might make a nice gift. I am thinking of doing all white with some kind of black scroll work. Or something to that effect. Still thinking... The album would be somewhere around 13"X13". Want to do front and back.

My question is what would be the best way to get good coverage for the white? I don't think white dye is going to do the trick - or will it? Would acrylics be better? Any problems with acrylics over a large area? Peeling? Cracking? Not sure I want a bright white. Told ya I was still thinking. :huh: Her wedding "colors" are green and brown - I am not sure that would be too appealing unless I nailed the green and am not sure I am that good at mixing.

Any ideas or thoughts are greatly appreciated.



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White is a very tough color to work with. But I've tried a couple of things that worked out fairly well. A lot of people don't like Fiebings white dye. It doesn't look very good when it is hand-brushed on, but spraying it on is another matter. Here's a color sample from a project I did a while back, in which I used Fiebings white dye, sprayed from an airbrush:


Note, this piece had antique applied, so it's not the pristine white you may want for a wedding piece. That can be left off, of course.

Another possibility is Krylon spray paint. Amazing, but true. If you don't have an airbrush, this is what I would suggest. It obeys masking very well, and if you spray it on in light, multiple coats, it saturates the leather evenly.

Both products produce noxious fumes, so be prepared to use good ventilation and wear a respirator.



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Thank you, Kate!

I have an airbrush, but haven't tried using it yet. I think I will give the Krylon a try. Great idea.

Of course with this "thinking" process I never run out of questions: Will I need to use a sealer for the Krylon? Do the scroll work, dye it black, mask it, then spray. Right order?

Thanks for the help!


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