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Posted (edited)

The search might be over but I have a 6.5 hours drive to pick up my, new to me, Singer 45K25.

New motor and table, and comes with the accessory flat bad attachment. Very happy, happier when I get it home and a little practice in on it.


Wish me luck, Canberra to Gipsland and back should be about 15 hours if disassembly and packing into the Landrover does not take too long.


Edited by Undeadzombiehunter
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For how much do these sell?

I see you live in Australia so wouldn't it be cheaper to order a freight forwarder to do the job instead of traveling 15 hrs for a sewing machine?

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This one went for $1100 AUD so about $750 euro. I am very pleased. I had an Adler 105-25 as a second option for about the same money.

The machine is in a rural location and freight companies could gouge you. what might be $180 worth of freight from a city could be double in a small rural location.

Besides it is a beautiful part of the country, I haven't been there for a couple of years, and is will be 110 kph all the way on a nice country B road and I have a fleet car, I need to get the kms up on it.


  • 3 weeks later...
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G'day Tony, nice to see you bought a nice 45K25, has the roller foot too, that's good as they are worth about $150 if you can source one. If I'd realised you wanted one I would have passed you begs number at Burrum River Saddlery, he has one for sale too. Susan Scott .lives over in Gippsland and seems to always have a few nice machines for sale so maybe you could call on her while you are there. Don't have any 45K25 in stock at present, did you see my walking foot with reverse 45K on ebay? more expensive I know.......

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Yes Steve I did se your 45k and would have

Iked it but the price was just too much.

The seller has many ther beauties that he still uses, a Singer 7- x, an adler 104, a pearson 6 and a 29k. He is winding down as age creeps up on him, a real shame to his craft dwindle, with no one to take over the business.

I am buying a stitching horse that he designed an built a couple of. Being a saddler all his life, with thousands of hand tools and his entire workshop made me drool.

A very nice bloke, and he still had a new briddle under construction and a saddle under repair.

Long drive there and back though. I would so dig a pearson, i see the one you just listed, just wish I had a few grand to send your way for it.

Cheers, Tony

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HI Tony, I'd love to have seen that workshop too, I always enjoy taking a peek at Jim Beaton's when I visit. My 45K is the walking foot with reverse, brought it over from England, hence the higher price, but have sold 45K25 in the past from 800 to 1500. I have a saddler friend, Narelle, she is looking for winker moulds, in the States they call them 'kant see backs', if you hear of any let me know pls. Don't forget I have an emailable version of the 45K manual if you need it. I just sold a French Pearson restored by Jean Pierre Berger in France, nice fellow, real perfectionist.... but still have about 10 in stock with more coming. Narelle is looking to broaden her knowledge base, I wonder whether Mel would be interested in sharing some of his knowledge.

Best Regards Steve

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On, dont get me wrong, i understand the cost of get this old iron into au, and if the collecting market is driving up prices as well, so be it.

It is simple a matter of proportion. As a hobbyist and therefore not making revenue, there is only so far I will go, and with a $1000 budget, I had to take what I could get and I am very happy with the machine. It runs well, once I got some proper thread, and I have even used it to punch perfecty spaced holes in the few pieces I have to hand stitch.

While I would love a pearson, I would pay the extra and get a campbell lockstitch. I had found one for $3500 and learned that I could get it shipped to au for $800. Man could I go for one of those, but then again, I dont make anything that warrants it. Or even a pearson for that matter.

I just want one....


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HI Tony, yes I also love the Campbell-Randall, I got one in England a while back and should have it in a few weeks time. Yes shipping from the US is about 800, but you first have to get the seller to crate it for you in speicially treated timber and take it to the shipper, after that there is another 800 port charges here plus what it costs you to drive to the port depot and back to get it. You need to allow a good $1600 for individual machines from the States, it only works if the seller will help you. I'm only a hobbyest too, but my hobby is collecting and only do a bit of repair work for friends and running machines to show people how they go. I have most of the machines that I wanted, ie three Champions, 2 Singer 97, 5 Singer 7, dozen Pearson, Randall, Puritan, Adler, Durkopp, Seiko, Koch etc.... but would still like a Union Lockstitch and an American National and Luberto. Ideally I'd like just one each of the big brands and the rest to speicialize in Pearsons. We were in Canberra last month, should have given you call and dropped in, but it was a real fly in grab a vehicle and get to Sydney to pick up 2 machines before they closed the doors and then back to Bundaberg.

Let me know how you get on with the 45K, they are great machines. Regards Steve

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Hi Steve,any chance of emailing me that manual for a 45/25.i will send my email by pm if that's ok.im also starting to collect way to much .I currently have the 45k,29k71,31k48,201k and a old marshall skiver.The guy I got the 29 and 31 from said if I remember correctly he had a singer 1 or 2 I think it was.would that be correct and what price would it be worth if in going condition.he was another old bootmaker who has closed down. In the stuff I picked up from were a couple of huge machine needles, i'm talking like roofing nails but shaped more like an awl,any idea what they may be off.if I find them again I will send you pics. Thanks,Peter

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HI Peter, no problem sending you the manual, you probably already know how it needs to be setup, but its nice to have the manual to make it more complete. There aren't many Singer 1, 2 and 3s about, I have the 2 and 3 but not the 1. The price is a bit difficult to gauge because of the lack of sales to base it on, however I wouldn't sell either of mine for less than $2000 each. The machine you are looking at would be best if it had the original treadle.

Not too sure about the needles, I'd like to see a photo of one to get a better idea, also like to know the length. The Pearson no 6 needle is quite long, however the no 4 needle is even longer. I have an unknown needle in my collection that is about 50% bigger than the no 6.

Let me have an email address for the manual, or get me on stevebonnett@dodo.com.au

regards Steve

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Hey Steve, would you have a pair of tension disks for the 45k? Mine is working okay but the discs have groves cut n them from wear and that means thead usual drops into the grooves requiring what I think is over tightening the tension.

Is you do, let me know the price and post and your paypal address, Via PM i guess so not to breach the forum rules.

And thanks for the offer ofmthe manual, I have the user guide (next to useless) and the service manual (quite good) so am good on that front thanks.

And whenever you are ever in Canberra feel free to drop me a line, I would love to meet.

Cheers, Tony

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Steve, your pm box wont accept my pm.Telstra stopping my email to dodo.i will keep trying.

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HI Peter,

Thanks for the photos of your machines, nice to see them in such great condition.

I have needles for the 45K, they are a 214, however they are also easily sourced on ebay etc too.

Your needle looks to be about 77mm long, that would make it a Singer 97-10 needle. The Singer 1000 needle is 79mm, the Atlas is 80mm, the big Koch is 88mm and the Pearson no 6 is 94mm.

29k needles should also be in the net, howeer they are 60mm long, which is the same as the 45K and 132K6 length needles. I would think that a fine one of those would work.

Regards Steve

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Yep got 'em, $8 plus stamp. Here's a photo on my Koch cylinder arm machine from the late 1800s.

Regards Stevepost-19343-0-47770000-1379564672_thumb.j

  • 2 weeks later...
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Posted (edited)

WHAT? No pics of your new ABLE290?

Considering some of the crap dumped on them on another thread I am surprised you bought one. Must be my winning personality :oops:

The search might be over but I have a 6.5 hours drive to pick up my, new to me, Singer 45K25.

New motor and table, and comes with the accessory flat bad attachment. Very happy, happier when I get it home and a little practice in on it.


Wish me luck, Canberra to Gipsland and back should be about 15 hours if disassembly and packing into the Landrover does not take too long.


Edited by Darren Brosowski
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Ha ha, the able290 is a little ripper.

In fact it got a flogging last week sewing name patches on several of the load bearing vests from work. It was great. A 29k would have done the job, but not much else. Getting inside the little pockets and working around the ammo pouches and other PDE to attach the velcro for the patches. It was and is perfect.

I also use it for other small light weight jobs for which the 45k is just too much gun.


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