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  • Ambassador

Last week, I visited my local Tandy store and noticed there was a greatly reduced selection of colors for Eco-Flo Leather Dye. There used to be 16 colors. Now, even online, there are only 7 colors available (and no browns or tans).

Did I miss some sort of announcement? I'm wondering if Tandy is trying to steer customers toward the newer Eco-Flo Professional Waterstains. Or another possibility -- I did notice new bottles for the dyes they had in stock -- maybe they're simply switching to a new vendor?

Any insight would be appreciated.

Regards, -Alex

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Hello. I think you're right. they have put all their stock into the new water stains, which i have used and like. I have never liked the eco-foo-foo dyes because they run.

I do use the highlighters and all in ones on occasion since they are acrylics. They don't usually announce what they are discontinuing, but you usually get a clue by what they put on big sale

in June-September. You should be able to call any store and ask them to look up what stores have a particular color left.

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Yeah, it appears they're phasing out their dyes and at least most of their hi-lite stains in favor of the pro line of dyes and their gel antiques. The pro line and the gels are the better products so it's not such a big deal, but there are a few colors of the hi-lite I will really miss - raisin mahogany and smoke black - so I stocked up on them a couple months back.

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Actually Tandy has changed the vendor that makes the "Eco-Flo" dyes for them. They are now made by a company in Italy called Fenice. I looked them up and they are a large scale maker of all sorts of leather related products such as dyes and finishes as well as cleaners etc. Personally I thought the old "Eco-Flo" dyes were absolute junk, on the other hand, the new stuff labeled a "Professional Waterstain is incredible. I am no fan of most Tandy products but this new "Eco-Flo" Pro waterstain is by far the best dye I have ever used. Even the black will amaze you, it does a perfect job of coloring the leather and usually in one coat. It will NOT rub off either. As usual Tandy's prices are a joke, they have some ridiculous price on the stuff so the only time I have bought it is on sale. They had it for September at $21.99 retail, even less for gold and elite. I would highly recommend trying this new dye.

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One corretion Ed. Eco-foo-foo is simply what Tandy calls their Line of products. The current EF dye, highlighter, and All in one are still made by Fiebings. Your right, the water stains are made by fenice.

I think it was a BIG deservice to put the eco-foo-foo label on the waterstains. I know a lot of people didn't want to even try them because the had the EF label and they thought it would be the same junk.

They should have left the Fenice labels on it, but I do understand they want to have a consistent line of products. I definately agree that they work well. totally agree on the pricing. I don't think it's going to get any better.

  • Ambassador

Thanks for weighing in, fellas. I also sent a message through Tandy's website and will let you know when I hear back.

  • 4 months later...
  • Members

just reading the posts..so much to learn! so much to learn! just when think I have an idea I realize nope..sill clueless..just started 2 weeks ago with a tandy kit...been buying stuff weekly from their site..didn't think the stuff was too expensive but then again I have very little to compare it to so...

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