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So my father in law wants a coin pouch for Christmas. The problem is he wants one of the ones where you squeeze it at the bottom and the top opens.

I have no clue how to make such a thing. Does anyone know of a tutorial or have pics of such a device?

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Call Tandy or SLC, for some reason I think I have seen the metal part you would use to do this in the Tandy store last time I was there. Maybe they have some kind of tutorial/kit thing? Heck, I hope it wasn't at Joann Fabrics that I saw it, possible. If it was at Joann Fabrics they would not have a tutorial on how to use it, but if you had it in your hand maybe you could figure it out *Shrug*. Sorry I couldn't help with this.

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Thanks Renee. Now that you mention it I think I might have seen this on SLC website. Ill call them tomorrow.

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What I think he is wanting is something like this.


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Oh, I've a pattern for a couple of different ones of those, I think. I'm not at home, but I'll see if I can find it when I am much later tonight, and send it to your messages here.

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Thanks, I would really appreciate that.

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Someone just posted this in the gallery yesterday did you see it? I think it was posted by Jacket Potato. Going to see if I can copy the link.

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Nevermind it was a link to his website to purchase the pattern. It's there if you want it I suppose lol. Doubt you would get it in time now though :(

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