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How Do I Know Which Thickness Leather For Which Project?

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I don't have a tannery or leather shop near me so I can't just ask the salesperson when I buy the leather.

Is there a resource somewhere which lists what thickness leather is good for different projects?

I want to make bag handles, belts, wallets, bags, watch straps and fobs. All of which I'm guessing use different thickness leather.

It would be really easy to make my purchases if there was a table somewhere listing Belts: 2mm, Wallets: 1-1.5mm, Fobs: 1-2mm etc.


You look at the thickness chart and decide how thick you want the leather for each project you're working on.


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I can't really answer your question, but I'll share my experience. Twice I have asked the leather shop for advise on what leather to buy and twice they got it wrong. They gave me deer leather when I needed something a little rigid, and chrome-tanned leather when I was making a knife sheath. It's best if you can figure it out for yourself.

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