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Looking For Materials Advice For Bag Project

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I'm trying to replicate http://www.saddlebac...category=301406 for fun since I'll need a professional looking bag for law school. I've purchased all the necessary hardware in 316 stainless steel, I bought a spool of 1.0 mm Ritza 25 (Tiger Thread), and I have most of the tools. I've worked with leather before, but never this big of a project so I'm looking for help.

First is the leather. I've been looking at some of the leathers on this page: http://www.brettunsv...ather/sides.htm

I'm looking at the Sunrise Wigwam, the Dark Brown Pull-Up, and the Prairie Mud leathers. I'm really liking the Sunrise Wigwam.

The next thing I need is nice, thin pig leather to line the inside with like Saddleback does. Where would the best place be to get top quality pig skin? What do I look for?

Lastly, as seen at this point in the video,

, there is a glue used to bond the pig lining to the cow leather. Any hints as to what adhesive this is? I was planning on using Barges and hoping that would last and be able to adhere to the oil tanned leathers.

Thanks for any advice :D

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I'm of no help but just getting into leather there are parts of your project I would like to learn too. Pig hide on oil is one mainly due to how I like how oil looks but was told it could "leek".

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Any leather used with OIl tanned leather will have some of the oils leach into it, i used oil tan teather on heel portions of my mocs and the deertan leather absorbed some of the oils, giving it a darker tone 1-2 cms all around the oiled leather, I didn't mind, kind of like the look.

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Not to rain on your parade, but unless they've gone electronic since I went to law school, no briefcase will be big enough to carry around your casebooks for the day. Big ups if you're more looking for a project to reward yourself with.

I just penned a screed about how miserable I've been practicing law for 14 years, but I'm sure people have told you that one common effect of a legal education is turning a person into an asshole, etc.

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The look you want for the bag will determine the leather and thickness. Type of construction will determine type of leather too.

How thick do you want the edges? Do you intend to skive edges? Turned edges? Welt/piping? Stiffener in-between lining? Do you want the bag to stand vertically by itself? do you want to add padding to areas that are in contact with your body? Weight? Weather resistant?

Something I should be doing more often is to write down all the questions and answer them with what I would need.. therefore I have a general plan and can go through with what I have written down, no second guessing or trying to figure out as I'm doing it. I can also self critique the bag with real experiments, plus change things that don't work or need tweaking. When its all written down you will remember why you made something a certain way instead of trying to remember a few months down the line.

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