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Twisted 66

Ok I'm Lost...dye Just Not Working :s

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ok so I'm a newbie and I'm sure this is a common question but what the hell am I doing wrong!!?

I wet the veg tan leather, then I tool it, the I use some hi lite to tint the design as per instructions, put on wipe off, then about a half hour or so later I use a paint brush

and go around the edges of the design to “block” it in kinda thing with eco flow dye, then use a dauber for the rest of the surface.

And cover it completely, once it’s dried like an hour later I add another over all coat of dye and then let it sit for awhile ( usually overnight)

Then use a slightly damp sponge as instructed on the bottle ad lightly wipe the super sheen across the piece and BAM! It all goes to hell! Streaks , half the dye wipes away! WTF!!! This has happened to my last few test pieces..anybody!? anyone! Advice? Ideas? Please?

see pic : tooled, dyed, then super sheen wipe disaster!

dye issue.jpg


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Well, I think you are going to find that most folks would use a resist like Super Sheen or even better, Resolene, to block that tooled image. 2 to 3 coats, allowing to dry an hour or 3 between coats. Allow last coat to dry overnight.

Dye the whole thing with oil or spirit dye using a sponge or dauber. Allow to dry overnight.

Then you need to seal the top.. Some people use one of the Sheens, Some use Leather Balm with Atom Wax. The balm is what I prefer. Allow to dry an hour or 2 and buff.

Apply the Antiquing gel with a dauber to get into the cracks and crevices of the design, and wipe off leaving it in the impressions.

Let dry and seal with you top finish - Resolene seems to be the most popular.

Good luck

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