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Best Way To Fake Claw Marks?

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Hi there :)

I did a mask a while back from a really beat up piece of leather from the damaged edge of a cheap hide - someone ordered a really distressed look harness so I went to my leather shop and asked if they had any battered old stuff they wanted to offload cheap :P I don't know what had happened to it but the hide was perfect, banged up and just what the customer wanted with little effort to me!

Anyway, I used the rather beat up piece for what I called the 'Beast Hunter' mask. I emphasized the imperfections with red dye making them look like he'd been clawed and had bled through the mask. All subsequent attempts to reproduce the effect in a controllable manner have been flat failures though and the mask sold first time I displayed it, so I don't even have it for reference now.

Can anyone help with a decent way to fake the whole claw marks thing?

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Hi,You could try banging a few nails thru a piece of wood, then flatten the pointy end slightly to replicate claws and then drag that down the leather with various pressures and see what happens.

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Hmm, I haven't tried nails. I did try a swivel knife but the result was too even. I'll see how nails and a board work out :)

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Maybe a scratch awl?

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