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Originally I was gonna do a fancy carving job on this but decided to go with a whole roo hide seat instead using the flesh side of a tan colored hide for the seat as it has a nice pattern........used simple braids for the bottom bit as well as I did'nt have any rivots. The braid around the edge is a simple round braid.



Is it just me or does the padding look to thin - I did start with a pad 1 inch thick, then sanded it.........




  • Ambassador

Hi paul, what did you use for padding. Most seat makers will put in 3/4 or 1 inch of neoprene. I trim the foam edges just a little. The leather will pull the rest done smooth and fill out any crinkles.

Your lacing around the edges is very nice....it just needs to join at the bottom. Unfortunately the eye goes straight to the gap. You will find lots of tutorials on mex basket weave on the web.


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cheers for the comments leatheroo. I have now patched up the hole, so to speak although it looks atad like a false tooth amongst healthy one's. It was neopene that I used but I made the mistake of cutting to much and then having to sand to get rid of the ridges etc, that would have been seen/felt through the thin roo hide - what i should of done is perhaps just taped the padding on, done the cutting and then turned it but there you go hind sight is a great thing.....

cheers again


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