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Cobra Class 4 Servo Motor Adjustments

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I got my new Cobra and am getting familiar with it. Today i wound a bobbin and wanted to increase the wind speed. So I watched the video, both the one that came with it and another on the Cobra site. Seemed simple enough. So i pressed and held the down button and it said 5.0. Then I pressed the down button again and it said 12. I hit the up arrow until I got 24 and the speed was much faster and I wound the bobbin. Now I want to go back to were I was which was 5.0 and 12. Well now I can't get back. When I hold down the down arrow I get 5.0 but hitting the up arrow it goes 5.1, 5.2 5.3 and so on. Then I also get L0, L1, L2. So what is all of this stuff, A manual would have really been nice. The videos brush over this area real quick. So can somebody tell me this.

1.) What is the 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 setting

2.) What is 6 - 24

3.) What is L0, L1, L2

And how do I get to them and what do they all do for me. This is way more confusing than it needs to be.



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Got it. Works now

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Umm. Mine came with a manual in the box with sewing head. If yours didn't then call Steve and I'm sure he'll send you one. It has directions in the back. If I have a chance I'll scan the page withe those directions.

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My how feeble my memory is these days. Finally remembered to scan the page from the Cobra C4 manual with instructions for the servo motor. Hope this helps.

servo motor.pdf

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