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Thumb Break Holster

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I've been making holsters for a while but I've never done a thumb break. My question is, do you have to use a one way snap for a thumb break or will a regular line 24 work?

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I have made many thumb breaks and I have always used line 24 and never had a proble. The thumb break and strap provides a form of retention. The thumb break allows you to open the strap and remove the pistol easily with one movement. A directional snap like pull the dot might slow down the draw if you do not have it lined up properly and if you don't hit the thumb break just right. HAving said that I have never used a directional snap on a thum break just never found the need.

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Thanks! Appreciate the info. I guess I could have figured that out on my own but, being brand new here, it seemed like as good a way as any to break the ice. Thanks again.

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Your welcome and welcome to the forum.

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