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Edge Beveling Trouble For Newbie.....

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Hi all- I am trying to edge bevel 4-5 oz. chrome dyed leather and getting a ragged uneven result. I just used jewelers rouge and a veg. tan strop to sharpen the Tandy beveler. Is it the cheap beveler, the chrome hide, or the technique??? thank you and help please! Redhairing

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Possibly all of the above but the worst is the chrome tanned leather. You can not normally tool that. You need veg tanned leather for tooling.

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thank you mlapaglia for the reply. I went back to sharpening more vigorously and the beveler is gliding along better now. When I bevel the flesh side though , there's quite a shaggy flesh right behind my bevel. This will be the backside of a handbag pocket. Should I gum trag. the flesh down to clean it up or should I skive the flesh side first??....

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It depends on how bad the flesh side is. You can sand it down if it's not too bad. Skiving might make it uneven. If it's not bad then gum trag could work but it might not last if it sees a lot of friction from the inside contents.


Edited by mlapaglia

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Running a wet sponge along the edge that is to be beveled helps me out sometimes.

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