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Hey y'all,

I'm dying a money clip with Eco Flo dye, and it won't take in certain areas. I used one coat of a Eco Flo finish before dying, hoping it would bring out some highlights and lowlights, but it won't take in certain areas. I've used this trick before and never had problems. I've already lightly sanded off the dye once, do I need to do it again? I attached a picture to show what it's doing.


Edited by CuttingHorse

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I think your only suppose to use the finish after the dye is dry. On the Tandy videos it doest mention anything about applying finish before. The finish will try to act as a resist to the dye but will not because you technically can not resist dye. Since this is water based, you can dye your project and then use a lightly damp sponge and rub it like crazy and the elevated parts should "rub off" and then that will give a highlight the high's and lows. I know with oil base dyes they can not be resisted but your using water base dye. I would think the rules would apply still to any dye. I do know in order for the finish to resist any highlight or stain and antique that it has to sit and rest for at least 24 hours. If the finish or resist or shene does not "cure" then the color will be blotchy.

Where is the picture?

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If your resist is not working then make sure to shake the bottle well. I've noticed the Eco Flow finishes like to settle a little. I usually run 2-3 coats of finish to the areas i want resisted before applying water based dyes. Make sure there is ample drying time in between coats of finish.

Oil and spirit based dyes will not play nicely when trying to resist. They penetrate too well and go right through the finish from my experience.

You mentioned that you had sanded off the dye. Not really sure how that's possible. Even if they dye is only sitting on top of the leather, sanding would take off some of the grain and ( in my opinion ) cause more harm than good. Pictures are worth 1000 words! :)

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