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My name is Andrew, and I'm new to leather work. Started in January because I needed a new belt and couldn't find one that I thought would last. As soon as I started I was hooked! So much so that I thought I could do this as a job. I've always loved working with my hands and this fits so well into my life. I'm in the process of starting up a business. I'm looking forward to the tough journey a head, and getting some meaningful input by folks that have been doing it for year. Glad to have a community to speak into my life/business.

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Howdy! You can't really throw a virtual rock on these forums without hitting at least seven Texans =)

(which makes tossing virtual rocks sound like the bad idea it probably is...)


Hello Andrew and welcome to the forum!

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Ya-all enjoy now, yea hear. -- Tex

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Welcome from a Floridian who grew up in Dallas. (Born in Tallahassee, grew up in Dallas and have been back in Florida for 30+ years). I love Florida but I still consider Duncanville "home". I am still very new to leather working too but it gets more fun the more I learn and you've found a fantastic place to learn here at LWN.

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