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It is going to depend on the temprature and humidity where you are at the time. If you start noticing your impressions are not as sharp or harder to make your leather is drying. If I am working a large piece I cover the area where I am not tooling with plastic wrap. As I tool more area I just roll back the plastic. If you are going to stop before you are done put the piece back in the ziploc.

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Thanks. That's kind of what I've been able to find, but a lot of times it takes me a few hours to do a piece too small to cover. Or I'm doing knots or a circular design that doesn't really afford the room to cover it.

I can't really go by feel, because to me it feels like wetter leather impresses better than properly cased leather, except that it doesn't hold the impression when it dries.

I'd like to just get a ballpark so I know that "ok I have 2 hours to get this done, and if I can't I'll recase what's left. Or 6, or whatever, but just some sort of time limit.

Oh and Bay Area California, so dry and hot pretty well describes it...

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I would sugest experimenting with a piece of the leather you normally use so that you get a feel for how long the casing will last for your given circumstances. SOme one could tell you it will last 2 hours, however for your circumstnces that may not be accurate, it will depend on the temperature and humidity where you work on your project, the type and thickness of your leather.

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