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In order to make a single mag carrier, does the leather need to be wetted, and then molded around the magazine? Do you leave the leather on the mag until dry? I saved a photo I found on this site of a beautiful single carrier that was very nice, but my phone didn't save the entire post, just the photo, and now I can't remember who made it or find the post. Thanks.

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You want the leather to have the shape of the magazine, but it has to be slightly larger or you'll never get the mags in and out. You can use a magazine wrapped in saran wrap, or you can get a block of wood cut to approximately the same shape and then you don't have to worry about damaging it.

A trick that was shown to me is to add a loose piece of leather with the magazine (or block) so that will give you the little extra space you need to make it fit.

When I make something like this, I use very small nail (wire brads) to hold the molded piece on a block of scrap wood. There's a little spring tool that is sold in hardware stores that lets you put the nails in without a hammer. (Interpret that to also mean "without smacking your fingers") When the leather is dry enough to hold the form, pull out the object you're molding it around and it will then dry a lot quicker.

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