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I still consider myself a novice to leather work and holster making. But I am glad to say I'm improving. I'm improving to the point I feel confident in the design and construction/durability of my holsters. I think I'm finally confident enough to switch from Tandy leather to Hermann Oak (never tried it, but there seems to be a consensus that it's high quality - usually).

I made this holster from Tandy 7/8oz leather. I made it for a co-worker for $40. He seemed really happy with it.

I'm particularity proud of the thumb break on this one (3rd one I've done). This is the first one where I extended the main belt loop leather up to the top of the thumb break (see back of holster photo), and then sandwiched the metal stiffener between two pieces of leather. I recessed the snap, which really streamlined the look. I had to improvise a punch for the snap recess: a 3/8 copper pipe cap was 'sharpened' and then hammered through before I applied the extended belt loop piece.

I think the trailing belt loop could have been in towards the trigger a year more. I'm going to look for a little thicker thread. I used thick thread on the main belt loop and back side of the thumb break. I'm thinking something in between the two sizes I used would be better. The thin thread almost disappeared on the stitch line next to the gun.

Speaking of the stitch line, I brought it in a smidge between the front of the trigger guard and the muzzle on my pattern (for next time).

Any comments or suggestions for improvements are eagerly sought.

  • 11 months later...
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Seen my pics are missing from this post, here they are again. Figured with almost 300 views, some folks want to see it. Funny how a year latter I look at this one and instantly know what I would do different. It's still in-service, but there are aesthetic changes I'd make. And nowdays I use Hermann Oak, which makes a huge difference right off the bat.





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