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Pappys Leather

C940 Camouflage Tool

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I am doing a carving on a holster that calls for C940 camouflage tool. Tandys does not carry it anymore. Has anyone else had this problem? Were you able to find one to substitute for it that worked as good?

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Tandy has a free craftool conversion chart on the stamp page of their website that you can download, it tells you what to use in place of what was suggested. However, a camo tool is a camo tool of the approximate size. The doodle pages and carving diagrams are suggestions only, not requirements.

Here is the conversion chart from tandy. C940 isn't on the page with the pictures but it is in the back under the quick conversion lists.



Edited by Chief31794

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The C940 pic is in the second row of camouflage tools third from the left. On a side note. I printed out the list and checked off the tools I already have. I keep it by the computer to check if I have/need something on Ebay.


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Thank you for your comments. I ordered one off ebay. I have finished carving the holster. Once it is all done I will post a picture of it.

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