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Letter Press / Imprint Machine

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Tandy Imprint Machine 32418-00

Barely Used Machine in excellent condition.



From Tandy "This item 32418-00 is made with a solid steel body and is of the finest industrial quality. It is an excellent tool to do repetitive leather work with clean, deep sharp impressions with alphabet and 3D stamps. "

This is a great machine for small scale production work and will help with consistency in your lettering and 3d stamping. It's in great condition and shows very little signs of use. They are out of production from tandy anymore and the only new one's I can find to compare to are on ebay for $479.

I'm asking $375 plus shipping (it weighs 26 lbs and will ship from 75098, Wylie Tx) I'm also open to trades or cash plus trades.

Or you can take your chances on ebay with it http://www.ebay.com/itm/281590484546?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 the reserve on ebay is set at $325.

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