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How Many Times Do You Make A Pouch Out Of Paper Before Moving Onto Leather?

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Do you finalize the design, modify it, etc on a piece of paper, wrap it around whatever you are doing? Build it using paper and tape or whatever medium you have handy. Taking into account seam allowances, etc?

Do you them transfer the pattern to hard plastic or something if it's something that you think you'll use regularly?


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Yes. Always make one first, make your adjustments as needed, make another out of leather if your satisfied then you can make your pattern out of plastic if that is what you want to use. I also mark on my patterns little notes like steps in the process of putting that item together, weight of leather used and the size of my holes punched. I find I save on leather due to less mistakes and don't waste that much time trying to remember how I made something in the past.

Also being organized in your work area really helps.

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what are you using for your pattern? I'm guessing clear plastic acrylic? cutting it out with a miter saw?


I always design and test with paper first and modify as needed to ensure that everything goes together exactly as it should and allows proper stitching lines and everything else. Once the paper mock-up is where it needs to be the pattern is transferred to a heavy cardboard (I actually use the same material as is used in designer purses/handbags as a stiffener) and then cut out and stored for further use.

I never put anything to leather until it is ready and accurate and paper and lightweight cardboard are your best friend when it comes to saving on mistakes in a pattern design. It has worked for me over 40 years and I just don't see any reason to change it.

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ok, I made the pouch design that I wanted, twice already in paper, but some of the shapes, corners aren't exactly what I'm looking for. I'm planning to cut the seems that I'm going to sew together oversized anyway. So that they can be cut and dressed after I sew them.

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