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Round Knife Rodi 50 Sl

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Does somebody knows where I can get a spare round knife for a Rodi 50 for a reasonable price or does somedody wants to sell a used one which is in good shape? Preferably in Europe but if the knife would be cheaper somewhere else that would be fine, too.

Thank you for your help.


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Any luck finding a round knife for this machine? I am also looking for a round knife. Thanks! 

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Thank you, those are for different machines I think. But I will check with CS, maybe they have some. 

I am looking for something like this: 



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Whet i searched for rodi round knife i got nothing back but i did find some things using rodi leather cutter as a search.


Landis usa lists rodi 61 blades, don't know if the same:


These guys have a rodi 50  for sale used, may know of european blade supplier. I know if i bought that machine off them, I would want a source for blades to go with it.....


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Thank you so much: good idea! Mine is a 'RODI 50/SL Rafflenbeul Lederschärfmaschine' bought from Germany, will ask those guys also. Looks very much like Landis knives. 

Edited by gigi

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