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Web site building - HELP!

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I was looking for a discussion group devoted to site building, but thought "heck there's a lot of web savy folks right here", so.... here's my questions.

I have been working for quite a while on a web site using the site builder in MS Publisher. It has most of the features I was looking for. Now, someone tells me that some hosting services can't handle Publisher built sites, or the sites don't appear properly once they're posted. Bummer, if true, and I can't seem to find info about this problem online. I also have a program called 'Web Easy', so, I guess I could rebuild it using that if need be. Have any of you guys had experience in this regard? I had a simple Homestead site some years back, so I could go this route too.

The other issue I had questions about was adding a shopping cart to a site. I am already set up with a credit card service, but it's a pain in the neck to get hold of anyone knowledgeable there. Does anyone here know how I would proceed?

I'm no computer wiz, so I get lost easily in all the terms found in most information I've found, but I don't have the dough to hire someone to do this for me, so do-it-yourself is my only option (besides, building drag and drop sites is kind of fun)

Any and all help will be gratefully recieved



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I can't stand web easy, but I know a couple people who have built nice sites with it. Publisher works fine if you have standard hosting. I'll write more later- my brain is too tired right now. :)


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I can't stand web easy, but I know a couple people who have built nice sites with it. Publisher works fine if you have standard hosting. I'll write more later- my brain is too tired right now. :)


Thanks Johanna, I'm looking forward to any info you can offer


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There's a freebie wysiwyg that's fairly simple to use here. A quick search should find lots of freebie shopping carts, but make sure you host supports ssl/tls and mysql.

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I'm a Dreamweaver fan myself, it just makes it sooooo easy to get a site up and published. As for the shopping cart most hosts these days have shopping cart options in their cPanel. I use Hostmonster.com for my hosting and they have a couple options to choose from when it comes to shopping carts. I think they are running a special now for $5.95/mo for webhosting.

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Here's a clue about Publisher: Microsoft doesn't use it on their websites! Same goes for MS FrontPage.

I don't want to advertise or promote anyone's software or service, but for a couple of years I maintained a web site for my kid's high school band. We used GoDaddy for the service. They had free software and guidance for just about anything you'd want to do. They could not have been more helpful. The Knife Network uses Atlanta Virtual and I see a lot of posts about how helpful they've been for folks getting started. Again, I'm not promoting either of these companies, but using them to point out that there may be resources available from your provider that can help you without hitting your pocketbook. After all, they have a vested interest in your success!

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Anyone have comments about the Coffecup website maker?

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TwinOaks, I'm trolling through here as I never even realized this section of the forum existed.

Coffeecup is crap, as well as most *free website builders, either web-based or stand alone. As a web developer+designer by trade, I can tell you that understanding how your site works will make your site better in ways you probably don't care about now. I'll also be the first on here to tell you that you should try learning some basic HTML, as it's very easy to pick up and will get you going in the right direction. For software, Notepad++ is lightweight and free, and gives you color coding like Dreamweaver (my personal choice). It isn't, however, a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get). Dreamweaver can be used in design view, which will probably give you the point and click design you want, but will also help you write validated code, which is something I'm sort of a stickler about. Anyway, enough of me - PM if you need some help.

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I learned HTML using notepad to due my markup. Then I graduated to Textpad (more smarts)

and by the time I got to Frontpage I could fix anything FP screwed up. HTML is very very easy to pick up on, I showed my mother in law (65) a few basic things and she went on to create a great family website using only notepad.

I have Expression Studio 2 now and things are good.

Been creating basic websites for 11 years and still have my day job.. lol

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I'd forgotten all about this thread.....Dickf, thanks for the frank input about coffeecup. It's been suggested to me, but I didn't have any info on it.

It sounds like just learning html is just the easiest way to go......time to go buy a book.

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No need to buy a book, there's a good tutorial here .

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Honestly, this is probably the best place to start and refer back to: http://www.w3schools.com/

Edited by dickf

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I'm a web programmer by day, and I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have. Shoot me a PM! :thumbsup:

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I'm a webmaster and web developer by day and by the time I finish 10 or 12 hours of work I can't stand to even see the word... website!!!


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