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I'd wipe a very light coat of NF oil on it, let it sit until the next day then wipe a coat of liquid glycerin saddle soap on it. There's a good chance the oil will soak into the areas that have had the original finish worn off and darken them up a little and the saddle soap should put a little shine and polish on it. If i fades right back to how it looks now you didn't do anything but condition the leather, which is a good thing regardless.

Good luck. Josh

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After you clean and condition it, take a piece of soft toweling or fleece and rub a light finish of Tan Kote on it. (Available from Tandy leather) Tan Kote is a water-based finish that will give your saddle a nice soft shine. It will come off the next time you clean your saddle, so you can condition your saddle as usual and then reapply the Tan Kote. It smells nice, too!

Do NOT use Saddle-Lac, Lac-Kote, or anything with "lac" in the name-- that's lacquer and it will seal the leather making it impossible to condition in the future.

  • 4 weeks later...

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