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I had to reformat my hd a few times cos bad stuff happened and I lost my pic resizing prog. I think it was Picasa, but I am not sure. I know there was a post about that type of prog, but I am not sure where it went. Might have been lost.

Anyone remember the post or prog?

  • Contributing Member
Posted (edited)

There have been several posts that include that info. As far as a program to do simple resizing, Picasa, Gimp, Irfranview, and Paint come to mind. If you have any of the full sized (Gimp qualifies here too) programs like MDIS, Adobe, PSP, you should be able to do it eaisly.

There are also photo sharing websites that have a resizing function included.

Edit: I think this might be the thread you're looking for http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?s...1&hl=resize

Edited by TwinOaks
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might be worth taking a look at compupic pro from www.photodex.com

Been using it for years now. can get a large photo croped, basic adjustments & tuning and then saved to a useful web friendly size in about a minute.


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