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Saddle Soap/neatsfoot Oil Ok On Suede?

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hey friends, when it comes to reconditioning suede, what's the best things to use on it?

saddle soap? neatsfoot oil?

the suede is a light color and im just hoping to darken it up a bit without using dyes of any kind.....is it ok to use saddle soap or neats foot oil?

thank you in advance for your advice!!!

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I would experiment with white saddle soap and a brass suede brush. Neatsfoot will dramatically darken the suede and perhaps even absorb unevenly. Washing our oiling may cause the suede to separate from its backing if any.

But experiment.

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I would experiment with white saddle soap and a brass suede brush. Neatsfoot will dramatically darken the suede and perhaps even absorb unevenly. Washing our oiling may cause the suede to separate from its backing if any.

But experiment.

Thank you for the advice! Much appreciated :D

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