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I'm sure you're all excted about another Billy Cook saddle post.

I need help figuring out if this Saddle I just bought is a Simco/Longhorn made Billy Cook or one of his.

It's stamped five times. One on the horn, one on both fenders, one on the very back and one on the keeper, Billy Cook Maker, Greenville Texas. Looks like there was a silver plate on the cantel at one point, but it's missing. Number on keeper 7514.

The only number I could find where the serial number is suppose to be is a number 9???

Can't find any info about it. What type of saddle is it? Aprox. How old do you think it is? What's it worth? Is it an "Original" or not.


Would get more pics, but the camera's dead.


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That is an old equitation style seat. Back in the day it was used for Western Pleasure, Equitation and other show events. It pushes you back on your pockets. Modern saddles have the low part of the seat in the center of the saddle to match the horse's center of balance. This is not a bad saddle though. If you feel like you are sitting a little far back, a saddle maker can pull up the seat and cut away the rise in the front fairly easily. A good saddle maker can move the center of balance farther forward. I remember these saddles from the late 70 and 80s. They are made pretty well and that one looks like it is in good shape.

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