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So I am rolling with my Cowboy 3200 quite well. I've had it about 2 months now, and am pretty dang happy.

Every once in a while, it will skip a stitch. Sometimes when it does this, and I catch it, I think, "I'll just go back over it and hit it again". Sometimes it hits the same hole, and catches the hook as it is supposed to.

Sometimes, I can hit it 3 or 4 times, and it refuses to grab the thread. What actually causes this to happen? It has only happened a couple of times, but it quite perplexing. Any clues? Also, it will hit the holes on either side pefectly, and stitch like a champ.

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It could be the thread having too much coil action off the spool. The twists and turns from twisty thread cause tension changes and possibly even skipped stitches. This is especially likely if the thread loop twists away from the hook on the upstroke. Sometimes it helps to wind the top thread once around the top post in the opposite direction to the natural twist of the thread.

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